Please feel free to send me your comments or suggestions for this site, or notify me of any dead links or images.  I'd be happy to answer any fireworks related questions you have, or questions about the construction projects on this site.  A couple of things, first...

*I DO NOT sell fireworks, catalogues, or merchandise, so don't ask.  I will not send you fireworks!

*Don't try to convince me how "dangerous" fireworks are.  

*Don't ask me how to build bombs.  I am a fireworks enthusiast, not a terrorist.  I have never built a bomb for destructive purposes nor do I ever plan to.

Other than that, feel free to contact me

My email address:
*note: for the past couple months, my old email address wasn't working, so I wasn't able to receive anything you may have sent me

My ICQ #: 27243175


  Pyro Universe